Thursday, July 2, 2015

...Yet They Should Be Carried With Grace

This is the continuation of my previous post "Some Things Are Meant To Be Black And White". So, if I am going to connect the two titles since they are interconnected, it goes this way: SOME THINGS ARE MEANT TO BE BLACK AND WHITE, YET THEY SHOULD BE CARRIED WITH GRACE.
It doesn't mean that when the hues are black and white, darkness and sadness appeal to them for in fact they are classic and regal hues.

When things or happenings in life seem to be black and white doesn't conclude the end of it. There is still beauty behind these hues. The truth is we should carry life's black and white with grace.
To connect with, older people living in sea area and mountainous one long live and healthy compared to those who are living wealthy (like those who rely on medications).

The truth is the former live life with grace, contentment and faith, but this doesn't mean that the latter never live with grace, contentment and faith. I mean these people are happy no matter what life offers to them ahead.
They always believe that happiness really will come always because they set their mind to be like that.
I mean in every bout that one takes, the outcome depends on the fighter himself-either he wins truthfully or accept failures happily.
So when black and white come in, we should carry them with grace because after all life should be like that.

God bless, everyone!

photos by: Rash

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