Tuesday, January 19, 2016

10 Valuable Guides in Canyoneering at Alegria

LOCATION: Alegria, Cebu
Back in December, I made an awesome activity in my life after a long dormant time of not having outdoor activities since I got operated in my thyroid gland (because there are so many restrictions) . And so to say, that was Canyon-eering activity in Alegria South of Cebu. 
I survived the very cold water, faced my one of my fears- heights, jumped the highest cliff in my life and felt the very essence of that feeling when one is in the air for (not) so long time and waited the time to fully land luckily in the water (my butt hurts haha) and let my life be carried by the current of the unknown.
With this trip, I found out that there are also others out there who are like me-free-spirited, dare-devil sometimes, brave in a silent way, swimmer, open-minded, enjoyed at simple things and more to say adventurous. I mean a lot of them are like me.

I know others out there did not come out from their adventurous shell yet and wanted to go to Alegria to experience Canyoon-eering, so here are some valuable guides when you do Canyon-eering in Alegria, Cebu.

1. Be open to face your fear in height (because you do a lot of jumping).

2. Take your adventurous spirit to the next level.

3. Be helpful with others who have difficulty in crossing the strong current or worse don't know how to swim haha. This activity strengthens camaraderie. Be friendly.

4. Be a dare devil but take precaution with you.

5. Be grateful. Always say "thank you" to those people who lend their hand on you.

6. Don't forget to secure your things in a waterproof case and also don't forget your snack.

7. Be patient with the rocks and other boisterous colleagues.

8. Don't ever forget to take a snap and shots (go pro please).

9. Wear appropriate attire so you won't get scratches by the rocks.

10. Never forget to enjoy and of course LOOK ABOVE. Beauty  in Canyoon-eering is more evident when you look above literally and figuratively speaking.

Never lose you sense of wander and wonder.

Have a great  and safe Canyon-eering activity!
Don't mind the biscuit wrapper in my hand though. hehe

Till next time...

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