Friday, September 6, 2019

27dress Crystal Wedding Dress

Hi guys!
I am back again for another post.
Today, I am going to talk about wedding dresses. Well, who wouldn’t when everyone seems to be engaged in just blink of an eye, and the next day one is getting married to her best friend- her love!
“In a world full of uncertainties, somewhere, whenever and wherever, life gives you a fairy tale”, they say. I believe, by the time we are born, we were in half, and when the right time comes, we always look or destiny looks that someone to make you whole.
Getting married is one of the most memorable days of one’s life especially for girls. It demands a lot of effort to the point that it drains the couple’s body especially the bride. Aside from looking for the best food, the best planner and event organizer, venue, guests to invite and sponsors as well, church venues, giveaways, color motifs, flowers choices, program designs, and many more, the selection of the bride’s gown has taken a toll for the whole wedding preparation and process.
Well, I must say wedding gowns should be first, fit well to the bride’s personality, body proportion or physique, and choice to the extent of her budget. Well, when it comes to this kind of event, the bride’s gown should be stunner, unique and memorable (in a good sense).
I came across this site called 27dress, an online store that caters variety of wedding gowns from A to Z, from white and traditional color to one’s choice of color. They have a lot to choose from is indeed an understatement. Please visit their site for you to believe.
I mentioned a while ago that, the bride’s gown should be memorable in a good sense; by saying it, I mean to say that it is stunning and unique. Lo and behold 27dress’ s crystal wedding dresses. They are so stunning beyond description. There are different styles, perfect for a fashionista, bride-to-be. and beautiful lover like you.
See some of my faves from the collection:

 (This is a sponsored post,)

1 comment:

sinforosa c said...

Wowww! Che abiti!
Buona giornata.